You are a special creation. At a specific time in a specific place under a bright sun or a harvest moon two cells came together to form YOU. You planted yourself in a womb and received nutrients and grew and one day you dove into the bright light of our world, reached up to the sun and said: "I am." Yes, you are a precious child of all that is. The bright light showered love on you and blessed you and you were loved. Then things happened. Bad things .... and there was pain. The pain that people cause on their children. I felt the pain like you. I continue to feel the pain.
But along with the pain I have gotten to know the comfort of love. I love you. I love all children who were hurt and abandoned. I take your hand and say: "You are a perfect seed." "Plant yourself." You take that seed that is you and you plant it into the rich Earth and you cover it up. This seed is you. The seed has all the information it needs inside of itself to thrive and live successfully. Plant yourself. Let's us together take care of ourselves. Let's make sure we get watered. Let's make sure we are embraced by nutrient rich soil. Let's build a sturdy fence around ourselves for protection. Let's give ourselves a chance to feel safe, loved and fed. Together...we can do this. I encourage you.
You can. You can. You will.
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